Join us for a three part series of platform gatherings where our special guest, author and educator Sydney Sherman, will help you develop a new level of understanding and connection with the energies and auras around us, and possibly with loved ones who have entered the afterlife.
$20.00 per person
Check in Essex Station: 6:15 PM
Platform Event: 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
(No Train or Riverboat Excursion is included or available with this event. This is an interactive talk, no readings will be provided.)
“Understanding Your Senses”
This presentation focuses on the many ways participants can learn to use their senses, i.e. smell, hearing, sight and touch to connect with their loved ones.
This presentation progresses from a very detailed explanation of the “how” our loved ones are still here and explores how we can tune-in to their presence and communicate with them after they have died.
Dessert Buffet and Coffee provided
Beer, Wine and Non-Alcoholic Beverages for purchase on Platform